Festival für Games, interaktive Kunst und digitales Theater

14.11. — 17.11.24



© Matajuegos & Santiago Franzani
© Matajuegos & Santiago Franzani


14/11/2024, 11:00 – 20:00 Uhr, Dortmunder U, Games

Atuel ist ein preisgekröntes surrealistisches Dokumentarspiel, in dem du wunderschöne, traumhafte Landschaften erkunden kannst, die von der Topografie des argentinischen Atuel-Tals inspiriert sind.

„We wanted Atuel to feel like a dream. It’s a documentary that puts photorealism aside in order to engage with history and emotion in a more playful way. The game brings together testimonies and historical perspectives to form a kaleidoscope narrative that highlights the interconnectedness of life and the intimacy of our relationship to the land we live on.” – Matajuegos

Verwandle dich in einheimische Wildtiere und lausche echten Interviews über die Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft der Region.

Standort: BRAUTURM, Ebene 7 im Dortmunder U


Development by Matajuegos:
Santiago Franzani – Visuals, design, development.
Pablo F. Quarta – Production, translation, additional design.
Giselle “Yiyo” Lochi – QA Testing.
David Marchand – Production assistance

Co-production by Mariana Bollati.
Documentary research and interviews by The 12.01 Project.

Music by Makunouchi Bento.

Interviews by order of appearance:
Nito Ovando – Historian
David Torres – Potter
Luis Yiyo Ballarini – Geologist
Ana María Gombau – Lawyer & Historian
Luciana Farina – Biologist